A minimal Arch Linux setup script following the suckless philosophy.

navigate with h/l or 1-4


chmod +x


core programs

additional software


⚠️ Remember to review the script contents and backup your existing configurations before installation.


FIRCH follows these steps to set up your minimal Arch Linux environment:

  1. Base Setup
    • Installs essential development tools
    • Sets up build environment
  2. DWM Installation
    • Clones DWM source
    • Applies custom patches
    • Compiles and installs
  3. ST Terminal
    • Builds minimal ST terminal
    • Configures with sane defaults
  4. Configuration
    • Sets up .xinitrc
    • Configures basic keybindings
    • Installs status bar


window manager (dwm)

Here are the main window management and navigation shortcuts:
[Win] + [Return]          Launch terminal
[Win] + [w]               Launch Firefox
[Win] + [p]               Open dmenu
[Win] + [b]               Toggle bar
[Win] + [j/k]             Focus next/previous window
[Win] + [h/l]             Decrease/increase master size
[Win] + [i/d]             Add/remove master windows
[Win] + [q]               Kill window
[Win] + [t]               Tiling mode
[Win] + [f]               Floating mode
[Win] + [m]               Monocle mode
[Win] + [space]           Toggle between layouts
[Win] + [shift] + [space] Toggle floating
[Win] + [-/=]             Decrease/increase gaps
[Win] + [shift] + [=]     Reset gaps
[Win] + [1-9]             Switch to workspace
[Win] + [shift] + [1-9]   Move window to workspace
[Win] + [shift] + [q]     Quit dwm

terminal (st)

The terminal includes standard copy/paste and zoom controls:
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [c]  Copy
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [v]  Paste
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [y]  Copy selected text
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [PageUp]    Zoom in
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [PageDown]  Zoom out
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Home]      Reset zoom

mouse controls

Windows can also be managed using mouse with modifier keys:
[Win] + [Left Click]    Move window
[Win] + [Right Click]   Resize window
[Win] + [Middle Click]  Toggle floating


firch is a minimal window manager configuration built on top of dwm, following the suckless philosophy of simplicity and efficiency. it aims to provide a clean, fast, and distraction-free computing environment.

the project started as a personal configuration to eliminate unnecessary bloat while maintaining full functionality. it uses only essential software and configurations, making it ideal for both new arch users wanting a minimal setup and experienced users seeking a clean slate.


the following patches are included in the dwm build:


all configurations can be found in the .suckless directory:


contributions and feedback are welcome on our github repository