firch is a minimal window manager configuration built on top of dwm, following the suckless philosophy of simplicity and efficiency. it aims to provide a clean, fast, and distraction-free computing environment.
the project started as a personal configuration to eliminate unnecessary bloat while maintaining full functionality. it uses only essential software and configurations, making it ideal for both new arch users wanting a minimal setup and experienced users seeking a clean slate.
the following patches are included in the dwm build:
alpha - transparency support
gaps - spacing between windows
fullgaps - adjustable gap size
all configurations can be found in the .suckless directory:
.suckless/dwm/config.h - window manager settings
.suckless/st/config.h - terminal configuration
.suckless/dmenu/config.h - application launcher
.suckless/slstatus/config.h - status bar setup
If audio isn't working, try restarting pulseaudio with 'pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start'
For display issues, check xrandr settings in .xinitrc